Adding a learner to the LMS | Highfield e-learning

Adding a learner to the LMS

To add a new learner to the LMS, you will need to log in as an administrator. 

Once logged in, navigate to the ‘Learners’ tab towards the top of the screen and select the ‘add new learner’ button from the dropdown list. 

Once on the new enroller page, you will see the optional/ additional fields that can be selected with the mandatory fields below. Your company may have more mandatory fields. 

If the password field is not selected, then a randomly generated secure password will be created. If the mobile or the email is entered, the learner will receive notifications of their account creation and enrolment, the account creation email or text message will inform them of their username and password. 

You can also choose to add more than one learner at a time using the additional learner button or remove one if you have added too many. Once all the learners’ information has been entered select the add courses button. 

If you are responsible for multiple sites, you will need to select the site to situate the learners. In the text box in the ‘Select your courses’ section enter the name of the course you want to enrol the learner or learners on, you may then have to select the licence type using the drop-down box below. 

Once you have found the course select the add course(s) button. 

Once you have selected all the courses you want to assign select the enrol learner(s) button. You will now be presented with the confirmation screen with the learners’ names and the courses assigned to them.

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